You have been warned.

I was wondering today when I might expect my period. I have a lot of deadlines coming up, and I want to make sure I can take the half day it normally demands of going home early, laying around and smoking out the window.

A lot of women my age know how long their cycle is and when it’s coming. Like it comes every 27 days or whatever, and lasts between four and five. And if they don’t know that much, they know roughly, or they know they can’t expect it at any determined time whatsoever.

I always feel mine coming, but I never know for sure when it will arrive. I’m always surprised. I have pimples right now, so that always makes me wonder, is it coming? I don’t think I feel it. Let me check. Mmm… nope.

So it was this thought process that was occupying my head as I flossed this evening. I remembered how months ago I had made myself a Google calendar called Personal, and had intended to use it to track this very thing. Doctor’s offices ask for this information all the time. How awesome would it be not have to surmise that it was about two and a half weeks ago, because chances are pretty good that it was about two and a half weeks ago. That always makes sense to me. I don’t know why.

Personal hasn’t really gotten much use. Let me see. Oh wait, yes it did. June 8th, 2006 was a heavy flow day. Totally informative.

Anyway, as I flossed, I tried to remember something distinctive about the day when I last got my period, but all I could remember was thinking that I ought to add that day to Personal and finally start tracking my cycle and better understanding my hormones. (And, while we’re going with TMI, I want to understand my fertility cycle, too, if you must know. I want a baby. Eventually. And before then I hella don’t.)

I kept flossing. I remembered chatting with Julia about how much better I was feeling now that the flow had commenced. And so I searched: Julia period.

Julia: aaaaaaawwww!

how’s work?
1:54 PM me: i got my period this morning and now I’M IN SO MUCH PAIN

Yep. The first day of my last period was October 23, 2006. Unless maybe it wasn’t Julia I had been talking to in this memory of gchat?

The point is that I could figure it out. But so could Google!! Now they’ve taken over my blog. They have my calendar, my email, my photos! My mailing lists are GOOGLE DOCUMENTS! (I do not store credit card numbers. The Tupperware Sisters provide secure transactions for all their customers.)

And now they know that susiejster@gmail.com is actually me!! And they know that it was I that wrote them all those letters alternating between my two gmail accounts so they’d think there was more support for my ideas!

Oooooh Google. You may as well have my soul too.


0 thoughts on “WARNING: WAY, WAY TMI

  1. Seriously, this is like 80% of why I’m on the pill, just so I can plan my month. Well, maybe it’s more like 20%, the other 80% being that I don’t want to get knocked up and grow a whole new set of stretch marks. I mean babies.

  2. Seriously, this is like 80% of why I’m on the pill, just so I can plan my month. Well, maybe it’s more like 20%, the other 80% being that I don’t want to get knocked up and grow a whole new set of stretch marks. I mean babies.

  3. Wow, AND when I searched “jennifer rag” in my gmail, I found a really funny email exchange from the good old days of group emailing, this being the line the gmail found most pertinent: “Dink, I totes didn’t notice you being a soggy cum-rag last night.” Aha.

  4. Wow, AND when I searched “jennifer rag” in my gmail, I found a really funny email exchange from the good old days of group emailing, this being the line the gmail found most pertinent: “Dink, I totes didn’t notice you being a soggy cum-rag last night.” Aha.

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