About the Diary Project

I recorded my pubescent thoughts and feelings in a series of 12 diaries beginning at age 10, a fifth grader on the verge of puberty and about to embark on her first adventure: middle school.

Seven years later, I graduated from high school. Everything in between…the young girl Girl Scout questioning life and pushing boundaries, wondering about drugs, shop lifting, sex…and never without the struggle with the demons inside all of us.

All of it is captured in these 12 diaries. Perhaps ill-advisedly, I am releasing these entries as a blog.

Some entries make me cringe. Others are hilariously insipid. Each one is mortifying in its own way to share.

When all is said and done, there comes a time in some young women’s lives where they have to ask themselves, “Do I publish my stack of twelve diaries on my website?”

And my answer was “Yes.”