I'm sorry I only talk about the apocalypse.

Hi. I’m Jen, and I’m obsessed with the apocalypse.

And not by choice.

Sure, I’ve always had a dark sense of humor. But it wasn’t until my first child was born that I started taking a hard look at the world and wondering, what does the future look like? And the more I pay attention, the more nothing seems certain anymore.

In 2017, my family lost their home to wildfires in California. Out of nowhere, the skies turned orange, and “Smoke” became a season. I became determined to prepare my family for unexpected disasters.

Every website I went to in search of answers was more boring than the last. They were all super right-wing (not me!) or dense and complicated.

I just wanted to know — WTF is a disaster plan?

I started Here Comes the Apocalypse because it was so goddamn hard to find out the answer to that question. As an overwhelmed parent of young children, I didn’t have the time to dig through website after website sorting through the information. I needed concrete steps that I could follow. I needed practical advice that didn’t assume I was ready to build a bunker.

I didn’t want to be a prepper — I just wanted to be prepared.

So I wrote the Disaster Playbook — a guide that breaks down how to prepare for emergencies, wrapped in fun and terrible jokes. Because that’s what I needed and couldn’t find. And I knew I couldn’t be the only one who wants to get prepared, but needs a funny friend to light the way.

I invite you to join me. Take the first step and start preparing today.

The more of us who are prepared, the stronger we will be when a disaster comes our way.

Image inspired by instagram.com/blcksmth‘s amazing art.

Whatchu think?

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