Goodbye Volume One…Hello Volume Two!

On November 11th, 1993, 12 year old me finished my first diary.  It had been an eventful year and a half full of crushes, a new school and dances.  I began as a mere fifth grader and along the way learned how to swear, watched friends have first kisses and get their periods and wondered when my boobs would come in.  They haven’t yet, but late in Volume One I did have some exciting vaginal discharge.

And now we must bid farewell to the innocence of Volume One.

Goodbye Volume One, with your soft flowery goodness and well labeled FRONT and BACK.

Thankfully, as much as things change, they will the stay the same. Volume Two is similarly soft and colorful and labeled FRONT and BACK. The updated look — from pastel flowers to a vibrant paisley — is representative of the growth 12-year-old me was going through. Who am I? I asked myself. Am I soft and flowery? Am I a vibrant paisley?

Let’s find out, shall we?


4 thoughts on “Goodbye Volume One…Hello Volume Two!

  1. Thanks for sharing Jen! Your writing cracks me up. I love pre-teen Jen, makes me think.of pre-teen Alisa. Those are hard years to go through.

  2. Hey Jen, I’m pretty behind on my google reader so I just saw this one. Congratulations on finishing the first journal. I love this project. Keep it up!

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