Everyone in this cliche is always dancing w/ someone else in the cliche. It bothers me cause I want to be part of that cliche so bad I could die!

I hate school dances. I’m crying. The only guy I danced with was Jeff M. Alexis broke up with him today so it was okay. Ana asked him to dance with me. He was outside drinking when the song started, so we didn’t dance the whole song through. While we were dancing he asked,
How may people have you danced with?” Me: “Just you.” “What about the other dances?”

“Two guys in the sixth grade dance last time.”

“Why don’t you ask someone?”

“I don’t know.”

“I ask people I don’t even know!”

“Aren’t you afraid they’ll say no?”

“Noone’s said no yet”

“Oh” That made me feel really bad.

Then there’s Danielle, she’s always dancing w/ someone. What happened to the sweet, lovable girl I used to be friends w/? She turned into a flirtatious bitch. Everyone in this cliche is always dancing w/ someone else in the cliche. It bothers me cause I want to be part of that cliche so bad I could die! All the guys in it I could like. It is so upsetting!

Then there’s Emily She was always just running off and ditching me w/ Christy. She runs off w/ Tamara. It was so embarressing! It made me feel like crying every time she did it which was a lot.

And last but not least is Kelly. I’m always seeing her. I hate her and I know at Great America tomorrow she’s going to ask about it. I hate her!

1st dance — wrotten

2nd dance — wrottener

What’s wrong with me? Emily danced more times than me!!! I feel horrible. When will guys actually like me? I hate dances! What’s wrong with me?!!! Tamara was dancing alot. Why me!!! You know what the DJ played for the last dance? End of the Road! What a way to rub it in! I love that song, but last night It made me cry harder.


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